Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's list was difficult for me. I've never really thought about why I love to read before. Reading has always been something I love to do; it's just part of who I am. After some serious pondering, though, these are the reasons I came up with:

  1. I get to live vicariously through the lives of the characters. My favorite characters are the adventurers and the romantics.
  2. Reading is relaxing. Nothing like a good book to take my stress away.
  3. No matter what book I'm reading, I usually learn something new.
  4. I get to escape to different worlds and time periods.
  5. I get to talk about my favorite books/characters with other readers. True story: One of my friends and I used to have some heated debates about Harry Potter... because we're cool like that.
  6. I get to spend hours at the bookstore/library. It's one of my favorite pastimes. I could get lost among the stacks, and I wouldn't mind one bit. It's one of the ways I discover new books.
  7. Reading makes you think. The really good stories will get me thinking about the world in new ways.
And...that's all I can think of. Like I said, this was a difficult topic for me. Maybe you're better at articulating your love of reading than I am. What are the reasons you love to read?


  1. Brilliant list Brittany! I definitely find reading relaxing.

  2. I love going to bookstores and libraries. They are some of my favorite places, and I, too, could spend hours just looking at books :)

    Bella @ Ciao Bella

  3. Good list! I forgot to put "relaxing" on my list, but you're totally right: I find reading incredibly "comfortable" and relaxing. Have a great day! (No pressure to visit, but if you're interested in my Top Ten: )

  4. Those are really awesome points! I totally agree with you :D

    My Top Ten this week!

  5. Great picks :) I love books that get me thinking, the ones that I can't stop thinking about even months after reading them. My TTT.

  6. I love that books make you think, that's for sure! And I love living different lives. I mean, all the things I've done in books that I might never get to do in real life (ride a dragon, for instance, or compete in The Hunger Games...okay, l'm happy to skip that one.) Here's my TTT!!

  7. Reading is relaxing. I think it is because reading allows for escape and that in turn helps to minimize stress.

  8. Great list. Reading is good exercise for your brain! I love meeting people through bookish connections. Or just striking up a conversation with people about what they're reading right now.


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