Top Ten Tuesdays

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week, they post a prompt for bloggers to create a top ten list of book related items. I will be participating in this meme every Tuesday, so stay tuned.

best of the month

Best of the Month 

This is an original monthly feature that I created. At the end of each month, I will look back at the books I have reviewed and choose one book as my pick for Best of the Month. I'll explain why I liked the book so much, and I'll link back to my original review.

stacking the shelves

Stacking the Shelves

This is an original monthly feature that I created. At the beginning of each month, I will post about a new book that I'm adding to my bookshelf. It might be a new book that I've discovered or a book that is currently on my To Be Read list. For each post, I will provide a summary of the book and describe why I'm interested in reading it.

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