Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

I admit it! I have a problem...a book buying problem, that is. I'm an impulsive book buyer. What can I say? I can't help it. Usually, I'll walk into the bookstore to buy one book, but I don't think I've ever accomplished my mission to buy only one book. Once I'm in the store, I can't help but get lost in all the books on the shelves. Then, before you know it, I have an armful of books books I didn't even know I needed until I saw them sitting there on the bookshelf, looking all interesting and calling my name. It happens to me all the time. And, do I ever read all those books I buy? No! They end up sitting on my bookshelf while I find other books to read. That's probably why my TBR list is crazy long. Anyway, without any further ado, here are the top ten books I just HAD to buy...but are still sitting on my bookshelf:

  1. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green: This book is all the range right now, especially with its upcoming movie adaptation. I've heard nothing but good things about it, which is why I bought it over a year ago. I still haven't gotten around to reading it.
  2. The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling: I absolutely had to have this book when it came out. I mean, it's J.K. Rowling. Duh! I tried to read it, but I confess I didn't get very far before I set it down and never picked it up again. I'll try again, especially since it's being turned into a show for BBC. Boy, do I love British TV!
  3. Matched by Allie Condie: This series has been recommended to me many times, and I think the concept behind the story is fascinating, which is why I bought this book a while back. I still haven't read it, but I really need to. I'm a huge fan of dystopian novels, and I've heard the world created in this book is one of the best. 
  4. The Life of Pi by Yann Martel: This is another book that's had a lot of hype surrounding it. I had planned on reading it years ago, but I just never got around to it. Then, when the movie came out, my interest in the story was renewed. I found a copy at a used bookstore, but I still haven't read it. I want to read it before I watch the movie. I'm a purist like that (...not really).
  5. The House of Hades by Rick Riordan: I'm a huge Percy Jackson fan. I've read all of the other books (both Percy Jackson and The Heroes of Olympus). So, when this book came out in the fall, I absolutely had to buy it the day it came out, but I haven't had a chance to read it yet. Do you have any idea how hard it is to stay away from spoilers when you teach a bunch of middle schoolers who couldn't keep a secret if their lives depended on it?
  6. Allegiant by Veronica Roth: This is another book I had to buy the day it came out. It's another great series, and, as with all of my favorite series, I impulsively buy the new books the day they come out. I haven't had a chance to read this one yet, but I definitely want to finish the series before the Divergent movie comes out this year.
  7. The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion: Curse you Amazon and your amazing daily/monthly deals! Seriously, the Kindle deals are one of my biggest weaknesses. I saw this book on one of deal lists, and I thought it looked interesting. Of course, I had just received an Amazon gift card for Christmas, so all I had to do was click "buy." It's one of the easiest ways to add books to my TBR list, but I don't always get to read those books right away, which is exactly what happened with The Rosie Project
  8. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien: Shame on me for not reading this book yet! How can I call myself a true fantasy fan without having read this book? This series has been on my shelf for years, and I really need to read it. But, I've heard mixed reviews about the books. I'm such a huge fan of Middle Earth, I'm afraid the negative reviews might be right and the books will ruin it for me forever. Whatever. I just need to suck it up and read them already. 
  9. Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi: I picked up this book when I saw it on a shelf at a local used bookstore. I had heard good things about it, and the fact that it is a graphic novel really intrigued me. I don't really read graphic novels, but I appreciate the alternative form of expression they offer. And, I know the story of Persepolis is one of those real-life stories that drives home the reality of the world we live in. Occasionally, I read books like that just so I can have some perspective. 
  10. The Lost City of Z by David Grann: I first heard about this book when I was reading an article on Hypable about Benedict Cumberbatch's upcoming projects. Oh, Benedict Cumberbatch! Anyway, this book, which is nonfiction, is being turned into a movie with Benedict Cumberbatch as one of its stars. I read the description, and I thought it sounded interesting. I ended up buying the book on impulse. I have yet to read it. But, I am trying to read more nonfiction, and I do love a good adventure.

I have no doubt I'll be adding to this list in the near future. I seem to add new books to my TBR list every day. Between Amazon, the library, used bookstores, and NetGalley, the world of interesting books seems to be endless. And, I, with my never-ending desire for books, buy new books whether I need them or not. I should probably try to curb that habit....Who am I kidding? Like that's ever going to happen!


  1. I chose Persepolis as my graphic novel for the YA Lit class I took awhile ago, and loved it so much I read the sequel as well. I love contemporary history, and it was very personal as well, since my family were dear friends with an Iranian family when I was growing up. The endings of both books choked me up a bit.

  2. Great list. You should definitely read The Life of Pi before you watch the movie. I generally like to watch the movie first (I'm weird) but they way that this ends definitely plays better in written form.

    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  3. Great pick, this was my pick too. Glad I am not the only person who has a serious book buying problem!!! I'd definitely recommend reading Life of Pi before seeing the film - it's really hard going and really slow at the beginning but the end makes it totally worth it - it wasn't as mind-blowing on screen. Nice list :) My TTT.

  4. I seriously laughed out loud when you cursed Amazon deals. They are my downfall too. I would skip reading Matched. The ending to that series was awful.


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