Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Try as I might to read all of the popular books that are out there, there are some authors I have simply never read. Here are the top ten authors I've never read:

  1. John Green: I've heard so many good things about John Green's books. They've been on my list for a while; I just haven't gotten around to reading them yet.
  2. Jodi Picoult: I've never read Jodi Picoult. I've heard her books are good, but they just don't appeal to me. I don't think I would be able to make it through My Sister's Keeper; it's too sad. 
  3. Cassandra Clare: How I have gone this long without reading The Mortal Instruments, I'll never know. 
  4. Stephen King: I used to love mysteries and horror stories when I was younger, so I don't know how I've gone so long without reading Stephen King. Right now, 11/22/63 is on my list.
  5. James Patterson: This one's not entirely true. I tried to read Witch and Wizard, but I just couldn't get past the awful dialogue. I never even made it past the first chapter. 
  6. Meg Cabot: Another author whose books I've heard are good; I've just never been interested in reading them.  
  7. Roald Dahl: I somehow made it through my childhood without reading Roald Dahl. I feel like that is a tragedy that I need to remedy. 
  8. Mark Twain: I have absolutely know idea how I made it through high school and college without reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer or The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. I was an English major for goodness sake. I feel like those two should have been required reading. 
For now, those are all the authors on my list. I know there are others; I just can't think of them right now.

Who are some authors you've never read?


  1. You and I have several authors in common here!
    I do really enjoy Roald Dahl--but I like his short stories for adults even more than his books for kids. His short stories are deliciously creepy!

  2. Jodi Picoult should probably be in my list too! Definitely read John Green and I also love Meg Cabot!

  3. *whspers* I didn't read the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn either

  4. I think I've read all these authors somewhere. You ought to read Jodi Picoult. It establishes the final status as a reader in the eyes of general public, or so my friends say. :P

  5. I am being an evangelist for The Stand by Stephen King today. It is my all time favorite book! And John Green is pretty fantastic in my opinion too!

  6. John Green is amazing. I don't think you would regret reading his books. Jodi Picoult is good too... but I could see how they aren't for everyone. Her books usually feature a trial or legal aspect of some sort. I am little sad for you that you missed out on Ronald Dahl as a kid. Matilda was my favorite book in 5th-6th grade. I read it probably 8 times. I got 11/22/63 for Christmas and it is a MASSIVE book. I want to read it, but I'm a little intimidated at how long it will take to read :)

    My TTT

  7. Love me some John Green! Great list!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  8. If you ever give James Patterson another try, check out some of his early books or the Women's Muder Club series. I read some of Patterson's books in college but haven't read him in a few years; his new books lack the depth and plot development of his older work. Plus all his books seem to be co-authored now and you have to wonder how much writing he's actually doing himself -- especially considering how many books he manages to release a year! "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" was one of my favorite books from high school... required reading, of course, but good nonetheless.


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