Happy March, people! My new book for March isn't one that's available for purchase yet. It's The Here and Now by Ann Brashares, which will be released on April 8th.

Check out the synopsis from Goodreads below.

An unforgettable epic romantic thriller about a girl from the future who might be able to save the world . . . if she lets go of the one thing she’s found to hold on to.

This is the story of seventeen-year-old Prenna James, who immigrated to New York when she was twelve. Except Prenna didn’t come from a different country. She came from a different time—a future where a mosquito-borne illness has mutated into a pandemic, killing millions and leaving the world in ruins.

Prenna and the others who escaped to the present day must follow a strict set of rules: never reveal where they’re from, never interfere with history, and never, ever be intimate with anyone outside their community. Prenna does as she’s told, believing she can help prevent the plague that will one day ravage the earth.

But everything changes when Prenna falls for Ethan Jarves.

From Ann Brashares, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series, The Here and Now is thrilling, exhilarating, haunting, and heartbreaking—and a must-read novel of the year.

- Goodreads

I first discovered The Here and Now on NetGalley, my newfound favorite book site. If you haven't checked out NetGalley yet, you are missing out! Anyway, I'm always on the look out for new science fiction and fantasy, the two best genres in the universe! So, when I read the description for The Here and Now on NetGalley, I immediately sent a request to the publisher. It sounds super interesting and unique. One of my favorite things about reading is discovering books that do something new within a genre; they're not just repeating what's already been done. I think The Here and Now could be one of those books.

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Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Try as I might to read all of the popular books that are out there, there are some authors I have simply never read. Here are the top ten authors I've never read:

  1. John Green: I've heard so many good things about John Green's books. They've been on my list for a while; I just haven't gotten around to reading them yet.
  2. Jodi Picoult: I've never read Jodi Picoult. I've heard her books are good, but they just don't appeal to me. I don't think I would be able to make it through My Sister's Keeper; it's too sad. 
  3. Cassandra Clare: How I have gone this long without reading The Mortal Instruments, I'll never know. 
  4. Stephen King: I used to love mysteries and horror stories when I was younger, so I don't know how I've gone so long without reading Stephen King. Right now, 11/22/63 is on my list.
  5. James Patterson: This one's not entirely true. I tried to read Witch and Wizard, but I just couldn't get past the awful dialogue. I never even made it past the first chapter. 

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