Hi, there! My name is Brittany, and welcome to my little corner of the blogosphere!
What you need to know about me: I'm a middle school English teacher who absolutely loves to read, and I'm starting this blog as a way of reviewing and keeping track of all the awesome (and sometimes not-so-awesome) books I read. I will also be sharing books that I'm interested in reading and other book-/reading-related things that I think are fun and interesting.
Things you need to know about my love of reading: I mostly read young adult literature with occasional ventures into adult literature and fiction. My favorite genres include science fiction/fantasy, realistic fiction, historical fiction, and (sometimes) nonfiction. I love books with captivating characters and exciting plots. If a book manages to suck me into the world of the story for hours at a time, then I know it's a good book. I've lost whole weekends to great books that I just couldn't put down because I didn't want to leave the characters or the world of the story, not even for a second.
Why I love to read: Reading is an escape for me. I read so I can experience things that I wouldn't get to experience otherwise. When I read, I can travel to another world in another time; I can experience life in the future or life in the past; I can have the best friends anyone could ever ask for or mortal enemies that I absolutely loathe; I can be an ordinary person or an extraordinary person with powers beyond belief. Because I read, I get to live a thousand lives in a thousand different places in a thousand different time periods. Reading allows me to go on adventures I never would have dreamed possible. That is why I love to read.
This blog is where I hope to share my reading adventures with  you. And, who knows, maybe you'll be inspired to go on adventure of your own.

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